australia new disability rights act creates inclusion strategies
The Disability Inclusion Bill 2023 establishes principles to protect and promote the rights of people with disability to realize their inclusion. The new law creates disability inclusion strategies across the Australian government in priority areas of participation, such as education, health, employment and justice.
The new disability rights act 2023 seeks to change society. Amanda Rishworth, the social services minister, said the government supports the disability royal commission’s vision of a more inclusive society. It requires planning of policies, initiatives, and making changes to public services through consultation with people with disabilities.
Rosalind Croucher, the Australian Human Rights Commission President and Acting Disability Discrimination Commissioner, described the disability royal commission’s report as historic and transformative for the disability community. It has provided a vital form for truth-telling. Croucher said they now have comprehensive and irrefutable evidence of the personal anguish and systemic inequity that many people with disability and their families are confronted with throughout their lives.
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Recommendations for Disability Rights
The disability royal commission has made 222 recommendations in its 12-volume final report. It covers topics like housing, education, health, employment, criminal justice and disability services. The report recommends non-therapeutic, involuntary sterilization of people with disability should be prohibited.
“States and territories should take immediate action to prevent the use of restrictive practices in disability, health, mental health and education settings, including seclusion or solitary confinement of children. Mainstream housing, education and employment systems must be significantly reformed to remove barriers to people with disability.”
The commissioners called for improvements in the practices of group homes. They also recommended phasing out segregated employment, including Australian Disability Enterprises. The commission also called for a raise in subminimum wages, at least 50 percent of the minimum wage.
Australia Government Announces Taskforce
The report highlighted that people with disability were conspicuously absent from national housing and homelessness policy frameworks. It called for the National Housing and Homelessness Plan, and the National Housing Supply and Affordability Council, with priority groups being people with disabilities.
To look into the report and its recommendations, the Australian government announced a taskforce. The social services minister said the taskforce will report to the ministers regularly. An update on the progress made will be made public early next year.