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Author: Monica Aggarwal

Monica Aggarwal

Embark on a journey of advocacy and enlightenment with Monica Aggarwal. Through her compassionate storytelling, Monica sheds light on the intricate tapestry of workers' rights, fostering awareness and understanding in our collective pursuit of a fair and just work environment.

Addressing the mental health of COVID-19 healthcare workers

Addressing the mental health of COVID-19 healthcare workers

The COVID-19 pandemic is severely affecting the mental wellbeing of the healthcare workers as they fight the disease at the forefront. As per reports, half of UK's health professionals are suffering from mental health disorders

World Bank: 40 million internal migrants affected, remittances to fall 23% in India

World Bank: 40 million internal migrants affected, remittances to fall 23% in India

The COVID-19 lockdown in multiple countries has brought economic activities to a standstill, which has largely impacted the migrant workers across the world. According to a report by the World Bank, the lockdown in India

Thailand’s migrant workers in a fix amid global pandemic

Thailand’s migrant workers in a fix amid global pandemic

With factories shut, borders closed and people at their homes, Thailand has been in lockdown since March in a bid to contain the Coronavirus transmission. However, the lockdown has adversely impacted the livelihood of migrant

Anti-Asian racism surges in US amid Coronavirus fears

Anti-Asian racism surges in US amid Coronavirus fears

With the outbreak of Coronavirus pandemic across the world, incidents of racial discrimination against Asian-Americans in the United States have also witnessed a surge. There has been a significant increase in the number of incidents

Healthcare workers counter anti-lockdown protests in Colorado’s Denver amid rising cases

Healthcare workers counter anti-lockdown protests in Colorado’s Denver amid rising cases

Several people are taking to the streets of the United States to stage protest against the lockdown imposed by the government to curb the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. Several US states have been witnessing mass

Fighting hunger amid global pandemic

Fighting hunger amid global pandemic

When there already are 820 million people across the globe going to bed hungry, the COVID-19 pandemic can double up the world hunger crisis, as per experts. The health emergency has brought severe disorder to

Amid mass layoffs & furloughs, countries seek to mitigate unemployment

Amid mass layoffs & furloughs, countries seek to mitigate unemployment

The Coronavirus pandemic outbreak has triggered unprecedented mass layoffs across various sectors. Millions of job losses across the world have been projected in the wake of economic fallout due to COVID-19. Thousands of citizens across