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Author: Rashmi Sacher

Rashmi Sacher

With over more than 3 years of writing obituaries for the local paper, Rashmi Sacher has a uniquely strong voice that shines through in her writings.

Amnesty report exposes Iran’s brutal crackdown on 2019 protestors; detainees flogged, water boarded and sexually abused

Amnesty report exposes Iran’s brutal crackdown on 2019 protestors; detainees flogged, water boarded and sexually abused

Amnesty international’s recent report exposed how the Iranian regime conducted misuse of power in its crack down on protesters in 2019. In the anti-government protests, which broke out November last year, the security forces arbitrarily

Mexican consulates along with US Labor Department back up migrants to file complaints against employers

Mexican consulates along with US Labor Department back up migrants to file complaints against employers

The US Labor Department has been encouraging and helping out migrant workers from Mexico to file complain against their employers, who did not give them their full wage or extra pay for the overtime they

Qatar introduces new laws for welfare of migrant workers, now implementation is the key focus

Qatar introduces new laws for welfare of migrant workers, now implementation is the key focus

In a welcoming move on Sunday, the Emir of Qatar introduced two new laws aiming at abolishing its abusive kafala system. The new laws would do away with earlier restriction as per which migrant workers

To undo damage by US official’s belittling remark, American embassy commends Canada’s “service and sacrifice” in Afghanistan war

To undo damage by US official’s belittling remark, American embassy commends Canada’s “service and sacrifice” in Afghanistan war

On Thursday, the American embassy in Ottawa issued a statement commending the “service and sacrifice” of Canadians during the war in Afghanistan. The statement was released as a quick-fix with regard to the ties of two

US embassy in Mongolia 2020 human trafficking report: minimum criteria to eliminate trafficking not met

US embassy in Mongolia 2020 human trafficking report: minimum criteria to eliminate trafficking not met

The US embassy in Mongolia in its latest report analysing the country’s human trafficking situation highlighted that the Asian country did not meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. The embassy added that

Teng Biao calls Chinese Communist Party a humanitarian disaster and accuses Xi Jinping for making things worse

Teng Biao calls Chinese Communist Party a humanitarian disaster and accuses Xi Jinping for making things worse

Teng Biao, a Chinese lawyer and a human rights activist during a recent webinar titled ‘Chinese Communist Party: An Existential Threat to Humanity and the Rules-based World Order’, said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),

Israel unemployment soars, yet the government imports more migrant workers

Israel unemployment soars, yet the government imports more migrant workers

Due to the Covid-19 recession Israeli job market has been witnessing a major slump, causing surge in the country’s unemployment crisis. As per the Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel’s Unemployment has reached 12%, whereas the

Amnesty report reveals horrors faced by Yezidi child survivors under IS captivity

On Thursday, Amnesty International published its report, Legacy of Terror: The Plight of Yezidi Child Survivors of ISIS, through which to urged the Iraqi government to step in to provide a safer environment to Yezidi

UN raises awareness about worsening plight of domestic workers amid coronavirus

UN raises awareness about worsening plight of domestic workers amid coronavirus

Domestic workers have been hit the hardest amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Even before the global outbreak of coronavirus, these workers had been surviving without adequate labor laws and fair wages but the pandemic onslaught

UN agencies call for Pacific states to cater to migrant workers’ basic needs

UN agencies call for Pacific states to cater to migrant workers’ basic needs

The UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) urged the Pacific States to cater to the basic needs of migrant workers, including basic healthcare and minimum income support to help