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Author: Right Sider


Right Sider

Right sider is a passionate writer who has traveled extensively around the world, learning about the history of all the regions and walking the paths of his characters.

Airstrike hits playground in Tigray

Airstrike hits playground in Tigray

Ethiopia - At least seven people have been killed in an airstrike on a playground in Ethiopia's northern capital of Tigray, health officials said. This was the first such attack since the violation of the

Trade Unions Demand Tripartite Conference over Labour Codes

Trade Unions Demand Tripartite Conference over Labour Codes

India - The Indian Labour Conference (ILC), an apex tripartite consultative committee that advises the government on worker-related issues, is being called for by leaders of the Central Trade Unions as they accuse the central

Two police officers dead after migrant bus ploughs through roadblock 

Two police officers dead after migrant bus ploughs through roadblock 

Bulgaria - Two Bulgarian police officers were killed early Thursday morning as they tried to stop a bus carrying migrants who had entered the country illegally, a Bulgarian government spokesman said. The incident took place

Dutch investigate baby death at asylum center

Dutch investigate baby death at asylum center

Netherland - In the northeastern village of Ter-Apel, a sports hall serves as a refuge for petitioners. A three-month-old baby died in this hall on Wednesday morning. Dutch authorities death of a child. According to

Why India made a U-turn on free trade deals

Why India made a U-turn on free trade deals

India - India has signed new agreements with several countries to lower trade barriers, eliminate tariffs and gain preferential access to world markets. All this happened despite India's doubts about a free trade agreement for