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Author: WR News Writer

WR News Writer

WR News Writer is an engineer turned professionally trained writer who has a strong voice in her writing. She speaks on issues of migrant workers, human rights, and more.

Nasrin Sotoudeh, in Iran the struggle for human right ends in hospital

Nasrin Sotoudeh, in Iran the struggle for human right ends in hospital

It was her fortieth day on a hunger strike in Evin prison. Last week, Nasrin Sotoudeh, Iran's best-known human rights lawyer, was hospitalized with a heart attack. Her husband, Reza Khandan, made it known with

U.S. embassy in Libya welcomes the reopening of the energy sector

U.S. embassy in Libya welcomes the reopening of the energy sector

The Embassy of United States in Libya released today a new statement commenting the apparent Libyan agreement to reopen the energy sector, which has been blocked from several months. The US embassy welcomed the fact

Deterioration of individual freedoms and human rights in the Philippines, a dangerous tunnel

Deterioration of individual freedoms and human rights in the Philippines, a dangerous tunnel

Human rights in the Philippines are waste paper. The alleged war on drugs has created a climate of total impunity in the country, which has led to an impressive number of killings by the police,

USA: 61 journalists arrested and 198 attacked in the last year

USA: 61 journalists arrested and 198 attacked in the last year

More than 40 million people in poverty, the highest infant mortality rate among the top twenty industrialized countries, 21 percent child poverty, these are just some of the data emerging from a recent report on

Human rights in Europe during the Covid-19 pandemic

Human rights in Europe during the Covid-19 pandemic

The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has published a new report on the National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), examining their situation in the EU, North Macedonia, Serbia, and the UK, and identifying different parameters

Stories of brave people fighting for human rights, imprisoned without water or food by today’s bloody regimes

Stories of brave people fighting for human rights, imprisoned without water or food by today’s bloody regimes

Turkish lawyer Ebru Timtik, 42, died Thursday after a hunger strike conducted in captivity for 238 days, after losing 30 kilos. Timtik was arrested in 2018 by the Erdogan regime and sentenced to 13 years

The life of Azerbaijani workers in Poland remains far from the European dream

The life of Azerbaijani workers in Poland remains far from the European dream

The 2015 recession, caused by a drop in the price of crude oil, led to the flight of many Azerbaijani youth primarily to the European Union, Turkey, and Russia. According to Eurostat, the EU statistical