Biggest Human Rights Violations Uncovered at Del Monte Farm in Kenya

biggest human rights violations uncovered at del monte farm in kenya

biggest human rights violations uncovered at del monte farm in kenya

A secret report discovered serious problems at a Del Monte pineapple farm in Kenya. This report is  done by a group  who is called Partner Africa. They  say there are big issues with how the company operates. This talks about violence and even deaths. 

The report points fingers at Del Monte Kenya. According to a report  its workers are helping a group of thieves who are  stealing  a lot of pineapples. This report is shared  with UK supermarkets]who buy from this farm. This report talk about fights between  the pineapple thieves and the security guards who were working for Del Monte. There are  investigations happening into four deaths near the farm.

Del Monte says it is working with Kenyan authorities and didn’t do anything wrong. Some of  the  supermarkets want to have a  deep investigation and want to know more about the deaths .   Two supermarkets have stopped selling Del Monte’s products.

The report says there’s a conflict between pineapple thieves and Del Monte security. People from both sides get hurt and it’s causing big problems for the workers and people who live around in the farm area.  Even regular people passing by might get in trouble.

Tesco stopped selling Del Monte’s pineapples last summer, and Waitrose stopped in September. They’re worried about the  news and want proper investigations.

This report  also suggests Del Monte should solve this problem, for the people who are suffering and work on respecting human rights. The group that looks after retailers in the UK is really worried about this and says people’s well-being is crucial.

Amnesty and other groups are not happy with how supermarkets are dealing with this. They Think the investigation should focus on the main problems and not just human rights in general.

The Ethical Trading Initiative says there should be a proper investigation.. Amnesty is telling UK supermarkets to be more responsible in making sure their supply chains are treating people fairly.

The group named Partner Africa, talked to lots of people to solve these issues. Del Monte, the company in question, claims it’s always working to get better and follow the highest international rules for treating people fairly. But they don’t say anything about this new report.

About WR News Writer

WR News Writer is an engineer turned professionally trained writer who has a strong voice in her writing. She speaks on issues of migrant workers, human rights, and more.

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