Can you keep a secret? 10 things you must not tell your colleagues

Can you keep a secret? 10 things you must not tell your colleagues

Can you keep a secret? 10 things you must not tell your colleagues

One of the fun facts about daily life is that people tend to spend more time with their colleagues than their family members. They share everything as they become close after spending most of the time working around. 

But there are few things that a person should not tell their colleagues.

10 things every employee should keep secret

Job Hunting

If you are hunting for a job while working for a company, you should refrain from uttering a word about it to your colleagues present in your workspace. Otherwise it can lead to grave danger for you in your current job. 

Disliking your boss

If you by any chance stop liking your boss and the attitude towards you has changed for any reason, you should keep it to yourself and not leak it to your co-workers as they can take advantage of this situation and you would land up in deep trouble after this.

Salary information

Although this is a contested bit as many people like to tell about how much they are earning roughly so as to get hikes and promotions, it is better if the amount is not disclosed within the co-workers as it can lead to unnecessary trouble in the professional workspace.

Political Opinions

Personal opinions are better to be kept within oneself and especially if the matter is of political nature. If you by mistake utter any of your political views, then it can lead to a lot of commotions in the office.

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Personal health issues should be kept personal and not be discussed with anyone in the office.

Personal life story

There is no need to talk about your life story, about the highs and lows of your life till now, with your colleagues as it can lead to future issues being created as they can take advantage of the information gained and misuse it against you.

A crush on a co worker

If you have a liking towards an office colleague of yours, it is a big risk if you tell anything about it to your colleagues. Therefore you must refrain from saying anything until and unless the other person reciprocates the feelings. And even if that is the case, you should keep it away from the office co-workers until the time comes when you can tell your manager about it.

Breaking a workplace Rule

If you by chance break the rules of your office, it’s not a good sign if you brag about it to your colleagues. Ifdone so, it can lead to a lot of problems for you.

Future career aspirations

Your future career aspirations should be your own and not something that you tell everyone in your office. Personal life should be kept personal and not be mixed with professional workspace.

Latest office Gossip

You should refrain from getting involved in any office gossip and only keep yourself to work all the time. This will keep a good work concentration going on for you personally and also keep you away from trouble.

Religious Views

Personal religious views should be kept at a personal level. If spoken to about these it can give rise to conflicts among the other employees as the office consists of people who follow various faiths according to their customs and views.

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