China boycotts H&M and Nike products due to comments on forced labor in Xinjiang region

china boycott hm

china boycott hm

China boycotts H&M’s products the Swedish multinational company showed profound concern over reports of forced labor in the Xinjiang region because of which social media trolls increased.

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According to Reuters, It was not promptly clear why the last year’s comment from H&M about Xinjiang, a cotton-producing region came into the public eye again. 

A month ago, H&M and Nike stated that they were profoundly concerned about forced labor utilized to produce cotton in Xinjiang; however, they’ve currently been trapped in a raising social media storm in China this week. H&M, Nike, and other large Western clothing brands are confronting a ban in China. 

On Monday, United States, European Union, Canada, and Britain forced sanctions on Chinese authorities blaming them for human rights violations in Xinjiang. China replied with sanctions on European officials and companies. 

Some western government officials and activists blamed China for utilizing abuse, forced labor, and sterilization of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang.

China denies the allegations and explains it is giving professional training to the workers and that its actions are required to battle extremism. Human Rights groups have many times denounced Beijing for keeping Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in the area. 

Swedish retailer H&M, United States’ Nike, and Germany’s Adidas have been removed from online stores in China and obstructed by several major navigations, rating, and review apps. Many videos are circling via online media that a shopping center in Chengdu, Sichuan region has lifted H&M’s board from outside the mall. 

On Thursday, People’s Daily called for a boycott because the two companies as well as Burberry, New Balance, and different members from the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) expressed concern about cotton delivered in Xinjiang. 

Adding to the drama, numerous Chinese celebrities have likewise ended their contracts with these brands, including Puma, Converse, Nike, Adidas, Calvin Klein, Uniqlo, and Tommy Hilfiger. Moreover, Chinese actors Huang Xuan and Song Qian, who are brand ambassadors for H&M stated that they would no more work with the retail company. 

The social media’s viral post about H&M, China’s Communist Youth League censured the company’s statement and said that it is spreading rumors to blacklist Xinjiang’s cotton while attempting to make a profit in China? Wishful thought, the post stated.

About WR News Writer

WR News Writer is an engineer turned professionally trained writer who has a strong voice in her writing. She speaks on issues of migrant workers, human rights, and more.

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