Denver Schools Adapt To Rising Migrant Students’ Enrollment

migrant students jb 231204

migrant students jb 231204

In Denver, USA, there’s a big change happening in schools, especially at McMeen Elementary School. This school is known for teaching in two languages and has always welcomed students from different countries. 

But this year, there’s a huge increase in students coming from Venezuela, a country facing many problems like a poor economy and political issues.

McMeen’s Student Surge

McMeen School used to have 546 students, but now it has 671. Many of these new students have faced tough journeys to get to the USA. 

For example, one family, the Salloums, walked across seven countries to reach Denver. Their journey was very hard, and they even saw some very sad things along the way.

Struggle for Adjustment

The school is finding it hard to manage so many new students. Some classes have a lot of students, like Ms. Zaragoza’s kindergarten class with 32 kids. 

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Many of these children haven’t gone to school before and are struggling to adjust. They miss their homes and families, and some spend the day upset and unable to focus on learning.

Community Steps In For Support

The school staff, like Ms. Zaragoza and Jean Boylan, a volunteer, are doing their best, but they need more help. They are waiting for more support from Denver Public Schools. 

The good news is that the Denver Public Schools Foundation is helping by creating a special fund to support these students. 

They have already got $50,000 to help McMeen School. The aim is to make sure these new students and their families get the help they need to settle in and do well in school.

About Right Sider

AvatarRight sider is a passionate writer who has traveled extensively around the world, learning about the history of all the regions and walking the paths of his characters.

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