Fewer Migrants Coming to Italy, But More from Bangladesh
Last updated on August 16th, 2024 at 04:20 am
This year 2024, fewer migrants have been arriving in Italy. Number has been reduced by 62%. Only 35,725 have arrived so far this year while last year they were 94,009. Though fewer are coming in total, more are from Bangladesh than from any other country. To date this year 7,615 people have arrived in Italy from Bangladesh. This is more than from Syria – 5,725 – or Tunisia – 4,747.
What accounts for this increase in Bangladeshis coming to Italy?
The problem now is in Bangladesh. There is heavy incidence of fighting and unrest in the country, causing more people to leave and try to come through to Europe. Italy is concerned that soon more people may attempt to enter from Bangladesh.
How do they reach Italy?
Most of the Bangladeshi people first board an airplane to Egypt. From Egypt, they risk perilous boat rides over the sea to reach Italy. Due to the hassles in Bangladesh, the route via Italy has been checked closely these days.
New Center to Host Migrants in Albania
Italy is constructing a new center in Albania to host migrants. The center is for those people whom Italy finds in the sea, trying to go into the country. It is supposed to open soon, maybe in a few weeks.
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Lampedusa Island Still Getting Migrants
People are still arriving on the Italian island of Lampedusa, not in the same numbers as previously. Over the weekend, 421 arrived on 12 boats, from several countries, among them Bangladesh. According to them, they had paid a lot of money, around $9,000, to people who helped them make this trip.
What’s Going on in Bangladesh?
Bangladesh is in great turmoil at the moment. Within the streets, intense fighting between the different political parties takes place. People are out protesting against them. The government is very strict, jailing many opposition voices. This has therefore made life hard for many people in Bangladesh; thus, some try to leave the country for a better life.