five dangers of being too good at your job
Ever wondered what happens when you’re really, really good at your job? Most of us believe that being great at work is a ubiquitous good. It’s a no-brainer, after all: it will make your boss happy, and you’ll get ahead in your career.
You know what? Sometimes being too good at a job can be a problem. It’s true; you can be so awesome at what you’re doing that it creates tricky situations in and of itself. You might not notice these problems at first because they creep up on you slowly.
In this blog post, we will talk about five perils that can occur from the moment when one is super good at his or her job. It includes things not usually talked about but holds some major importance. Knowing what to expect from these dangers should help people understand the situation better and take better care of themselves within a job.
1. Burnout: When You Work Too Hard
If you are good at your job, you may work really hard every day. You may stay late after work and never take a break. This can make you very tired and stressed out. Your body and mind have to rest! If you do not rest, you may get so tired that you can’t work at all. This is called burnout.
2. Taken for Granted: People Expect Too Much
If you always do excellent work, people start to expect it. They forget that your specific talents are unique. Your boss or colleagues may no longer say things like, “Thank you” or “Good job.” They simply assume you will always be exceptional. This can leave you feeling sad or angry.
3. Constant Pressure: Always Having to Be the Best
Well, when everybody thinks you are really good at your job, they would probably expect you to be faultless all the time. That is what will get you stressed out. You will become scared of making even the minutest of mistakes. It is tough to relax when you feel that you have to be the best every single day.
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4. The Perfectionism Trap: Never Good Enough
You’re so good at your job that you think everything has to be perfect. You find yourself spending too much time on small details. You feel bad about yourself when things aren’t exactly right. It slows you down and makes you miserable. Nobody’s perfect, remember?
5. Overreliance: Everyone Depends on You Too Much
Now, if you happen to be good at something, everybody will shortly start coming to you for all of your time. That means that the colleagues may not want to try to solve problems on their own. The manager would give you all the hard assignments. That would mean more work for you, while nobody else learns new skills. It just isn’t right—on many levels.
What You Can Do
Be good at your job, not at the cost of your identity. Here are a couple of things you can do:
– Take time off and go on holiday
– Ask for help
– Share what you know
– It is OK to make mistakes
– Be very clear on what you will do and when
You are more than your job. You do good work, be happy, and be healthy.