German Industry Leader Warns of US Decline Under Trump

German Industry Leader Warns of US Decline Under Trump

According to Angelique Renkhoff-Mücke the business landscape in the United States became less attractive for foreign investors when former President Donald Trump enforced different policies. Business leaders spoke about their review of US expansion due to shaky legal conditions during a Munich Business Press Club appearance.

All potential corporate investors now think twice about entering the US market as Renkhoff-Mücke helped secure this monumental agreement. She emphasized that when law cannot be relied upon, this essential element for business trust no longer exists.

As leader of Warema Renkhoff and member of the VBM executive board, Renkhoff-Mücke emphasized why reliable politics matter to business operations. She criticized CDU/CSU leaders for changing political positions on their financial collaboration with SPD and Greens by claiming that unpredictability diminishes faith in democratic institutions.

She points out that military readiness problems became clearer due to US actions, yet Germany should have worked on its infrastructure earlier. As a 14-year leader in collective bargaining talks with IG Metall, Renkhoff-Mücke praised the team negotiation approach between coastal regions and Bavaria even though initially leaders doubted its effectiveness.

European companies worry about political and economic risks in the United States that will affect business investments and trade connections with the West.

About aamna aamna

Aamna is keen to write important news about politics, entertainment, business, etc., and to bring it to the public's attention.

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