Get Paid To Nap! Become A Professional Sleeper In 5 Simple Steps

Now times are gone when people used to say sleeping won’t give you anything. In today’s time, everything is possible; even earning money by taking a nap is possible. Yes! Sleeping can earn you a living. Now after reading this, you must be wondering how a nap can get you paid. Don’t worry, we are here with an ultimate guide that will provide you with steps to become a professional sleeper, skills required, job market, salary prospects of a professional sleeper, and pros and cons of this profession.

5 Simple Steps to Become a Professional Sleeper

1) To build on your niche

Professional sleepers can work with various industries, such as hotels, factories, and science. This means that their tasks vary from one job to another very smoothly. For example, one week they might test mattresses in hotel rooms, and the next day they might participate in a lab study to observe how sleeping pills affect their sleeping patterns.

2) Network with the right people

When you want to become a professional sleeper, it’s helpful to know people who work in science, hotels, arts, market research, and mattress production. These connections can help find job opportunities or get recommendations.

3) To look for your first job

To get your first job as a sleep tester, you need to be proactive. Look for job postings online and set up a Google alert to be notified when new positions become available. Here are a few places to check:University Job Postings, Medical Research Centres, Online Job Boards, Sleep Clinics, and Institutes.

4) To Prepare Application Materials

If your efforts to find a job and connect with the industry people pay off, you will find a sleep tester position that interests you. Since these jobs are not common, you will want to make your application as excellent as possible by crafting an amazing resume and cover letter to increase the chance of getting selected.

5) To Develop Your Career

While there are not as many opportunities for career advancement in this field, you can increase your earning potential by participating in high-paying sleep studies. To do this, build your reputation as a professional sleeper and make connections with research centres, companies, clinics, etc. This will not only lead to repeat business but also open up new job opportunities.

Skills Required to be a Professional Sleeper

-Excellent observational power.

-You must have skills to prepare gripping reports.

-You should be fit and healthy.

-You should acquire strong observational ability.

-You should have a strong personality, and you should also not be worried about being separated from other people.

-You must have the skill to sleep in a new environment and place far away from your comfort zone.

Job Market

With technology being so advanced, people are worried about their jobs being in danger. In this environment, the job of a professional sleeper is safe because machines and AI cannot truly understand and analyse the emotions of comfort and relaxation like a human does. Sleep for humans is very vital, and the job market for professional sleepers will surely expand in the near future to make the quality of products like mattresses, blankets, and pillows much better for the better comfort of the people. But the job of a professional sleeper can be a good choice for a part-time or temporary job.

Salary prospects

It is difficult to provide an average salary for this job profession as the responsibilities and duration of each position are different.

NASA in 2013 paid individuals $18,000 to stay in bed for the duration of seventeen days. Similarly, Wayne Munnelly in 2006 was hired as the executive of sleep by Travelodge and paid him $76,450 to sleep in 17,000 rooms. His job was to analyse the overall comfort, evaluate noise, cleanliness, and lighting. Roisin Madigan, a Manchester student, was paid $1,270 to sleep in designer beds every day for one month.

The New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York offered $10 per house to individuals to sleep using sleeping pills for the exhibition of Chu Yun.

Pros of Being a Professional Sleeper

1) By becoming a professional sleeper, you get to know more about your sleeping habits.

2) The major advantage of a professional sleeper is that you get paid only by sleeping.

3) You receive medical treatment for any detected medical problems.

4) You get the opportunity to enjoy the luxuries of 5-star hotels for free as a mattress tester.

Cons of Being a Professional Sleeper

1) To become a professional sleeper, you have to bring about changes in your lifestyle, like quitting the consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and even some meals.

2) When you sleep more and stay indoors, you lose sight of the outdoor environment and feel out of touch with other people.

3) You don’t have a regular source of income.

4) You have to wait for long durations, even months, to participate in other tests.

About Freelance writer

As a passionate freelance writer, I delve into the intricacies of human rights, work-life balance, and labour rights to illuminate the often overlooked aspects of our societal fabric. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to social justice, I navigate the complexities of these crucial topics, aiming to foster awareness and inspire change.

Freelance writer

As a passionate freelance writer, I delve into the intricacies of human rights, work-life balance, and labour rights to illuminate the often overlooked aspects of our societal fabric. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to social justice, I navigate the complexities of these crucial topics, aiming to foster awareness and inspire change.

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