Coronavirus pandemic has brought unprecedented times. Never have before three most important aspects of our lives, work, school and family life, operated from a single venue, our home.
Coronavirus pandemic has brought unprecedented times. Never have before three most important aspects of our lives, work, school and family life, operated from a single venue, our home. But this has become the new normal for people across the countries as they balance the new life amid pandemic while working from home, and children attending online classes from home.
Even in the best of times, the great majority of employees report experiencing conflict between the demands of work and the demands of family
Correll, a professor of Sociology, Women’s leadership, and director of the VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab at Stanford University.
Professor Correll noted that in heterosexual household, invariably the works are gendered and most of house work and childcare is considered to be a woman’s duty. Women are increasingly under stress to get everything under control, just like a one woman army – taking care of children, managing work requirements and submissions, and doing house chores. The pandemic led lockdown has increased the pressure on women and the expectations laid upon them. The need of striking a balance between professional life and personal life is essential with increased responsibilities.
In this situation its essential for employers to provide little relaxation to employees and adjust their expectations. Cancelling or deterring performance reviews can be one way to extend support to employees, especially women and help them balance their life more efficiently. Being more mindful of employees’ needs is helpful for them. Inclusion and equity ae two important factors to be adapted by companies and employers. Gender based biases and discriminations at workplace are a big no and not acceptable in this modern era. Inclusive policies are a great practice to engage all employees and create a new normal. This is a test for healthier times.