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Category: Labour rights

Zimbabwe red flagged by US and UK over labour rights violations, threatened of further sanctions

Zimbabwe red flagged by US and UK over labour rights violations, threatened of further sanctions

Zimbabwe has been criticized by United States of America over its recent incidents of worker rights’ crackdown and long going right abuses with tightened freedoms and ban on associations. Acting in an attempt to curb

Kuwait new law to trim foreign workers

Kuwait new law to trim foreign workers

A new law to drastically reduce the number of foreign workers within a year: this is what the Kuwait parliament unanimously decided yesterday, Bloomberg reported. That of foreigners is a central issue in the small

Before commencing trade talks EU urged to demand tougher Thai safeguards for labor rights

Before commencing trade talks EU urged to demand tougher Thai safeguards for labor rights

Citing poor commitment from Thailand for ensuring safe working conditions for labors and ensuring safeguarding their labor rights, rights activists and groups have urged the European Union to ensure Thailand strengthens its labor laws before

Brexit, what changes for workers in the UK

Brexit, what changes for workers in the UK

With Britain's exit from the European Union, thousands of workers are looking to the future with concern. In fact, among the main points of discussion for Brexit, brought forward by the European Council, there are

COVID-19 laws are strangling garment workers

COVID-19 laws are strangling garment workers

Workers' rights activists denounce that laws to stem the spread of Covid-19 are being used to silence garment workers in Myanmar and around the world. Since March, thousands of unionized textile workers have been laid

Domestic workers in Brazil need robust labour rights system

Domestic workers in Brazil need robust labour rights system

The plight of domestic workers in Brazil calls for the government to establish strong labour rights Brazil has emerged as one of the worst-hit nations in the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During the

Cocoa industry and child labour – the never ending problem

Cocoa industry and child labour – the never ending problem

A decade has gone by since the $US100 billion cocoa (chocolate) industry had pledged to cut down the child labour in the industry and bring reforms. But recent report initiated by the US government reveals

Migrant workers in Thailand launch legal action against garment factory over unpaid below minimum daily wage

Migrant workers in Thailand launch legal action against garment factory over unpaid below minimum daily wage

Migrant workers in Thailand, mostly from neighbouring country Myanmar, have launched a legal action against a garment factory, one year after the factory was closed, demanding compensation for the lost wages which were far below

Nearly half of global workforce at risk of job losses: WHO

Nearly half of global workforce at risk of job losses: WHO

Coronavirus pandemic has imposed unprecedented socio-economic challenges on the lives of millions of people across the world. In a recent joint statement, a group of leading UN agencies including, the International Labour Organization (ILO), Food

Indonesia’s Job Bill has put its labour rights at major risk

Indonesia’s Job Bill has put its labour rights at major risk

Indonesian government has approved the new controversial ‘Omnibus Bill on Job Creation’, which according to experts is a step backwards in relation to country’s labour rights and environment. The bill was approved despite strong opposition