Myth Busters: Let’s address five rape myths and facts
Last updated on July 19th, 2024 at 05:23 am
Rape myths are damaging and false beliefs about rape and sexual assault that are perpetuated when individuals make judgements about survivors based on these inaccurate beliefs. It causes victims and survivors to feel shame about what had happened to them.
They are sometimes spread because it is easier for people to believe that the survivor must have done something wrong and deserve to be raped or assaulted in the same way.
Survivors are not to be blamed for an offender’s behaviour. Sexual assault is a crime and responsibility is only of the assaulter.
Untangle rape myths from facts
Here are some myths and facts about the rapes and assault that everyone should know.
Myth 1: The victim must have asked for it by being seductive, careless, getting drunk or high
Fact: No one asks to be abused or humiliated and no one can cause an offender to
commit a crime against them.
Myth 2: If the victim didn’t physically struggle or fight the assailant it wasn’t really a rape.
Fact: a freeze response is commonly observed with trauma. In that situation, the
the victim gets into a state of shock and is unable to physically fight back. Further, offenders do not look for a fight and may use many forms of coercion, threats and manipulation to commit sexual violence.
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Myth 3: Most perpetrators are strangers to the victim.
Fact: Most assaulters or rapers belong to the victim’s friendlist, neighbour, someone they know or is a classmate, spouse or partner or ex partner.
Myth 4: Rape or sexual assault is caused by the uncontrollable sexual urge of the perpetrator.
Fact: Rape is actually a way of showing power and control. Perpetrators can very much control their sexual urge, as evidenced and proved by the majority of other persons who do not rape or assault.
Myth 5: Individuals who commit rape are mentally ill or psychotic and cannot help themselves and needs medical checkup.
Fact: It is often seen that victims are usually the ones who are mentally ill and need psychiatric help rather than the assaulters.