Pakistan And Nirbhaya case—Have Sparked Nationwide Protests

pakistan and nirbhaya case—have sparked nationwide protests

pakistan and nirbhaya case—have sparked nationwide protests

he F-9 area of Islamabad in Pakistan and the alleged gangrape of the woman in this locality had brought back all the scary memory of the Nirbhaya case of India.

Though countries are different the case showed how much or less we have achieved in years to ensure the security and safety of women.

Some days before light and enrage in the rights of women activists are raising their voices. They start showing their anger against increasing sexual barbarism in Pakistan.

Before moving on to what happening, let me tell you in the notable node that Pakistan is the sixth most dangerous country for women to live in. The country is in 167 out of 170 positions in Human Rights Watch in its Annual World Report 2022 in terms of peace. 

Violence, hitting a woman, and domestic violence are more than common in Pakistan. Rights activists believe that a woman in Pakistani society faces many threats because of her gender. Women are seen to be publicly harassed, raped, or killed in the name of honor by men who commit such crimes and are convicted. The overall condition of women is very poor in this Islamic state.

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What Has Happened?

In the Fatima Jinnah parks the – F-9 park which is one of the biggest parks in the area, the 24-year-old woman was walking with a male colleague. Then suddenly they were allegedly attacked by two armed men they chased the women’s colleague away and then raped the woman.

The forensic reports confirmed the sexual assault. Police are searching for the suspects.

Though the woman tried to save herself, she shouted and cried for help she pleaded with them to let her go and even offered them money in exchange for her safety. But She was beaten and threatened by the attackers.

Nationwide Protests

This crucial case of gang rape in the country has caused national protests. The activist and people are demanding justice for women. People are using social media platforms for showing their anger and issues.

We strongly condemn the inhuman act happening in Pakistan, human rights activists should come on this, and the Pakistan government should also pay attention to their women’s safety!

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About Freelance writer

As a passionate freelance writer, I delve into the intricacies of human rights, work-life balance, and labour rights to illuminate the often overlooked aspects of our societal fabric. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to social justice, I navigate the complexities of these crucial topics, aiming to foster awareness and inspire change.

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