Pride Month: Top 5 LGBTQ job portals in 2024

June embarks the start of a 30 day celebration better known as Pride Month

June embarks the start of a 30 day celebration better known as Pride Month

June embarks the start of a 30 day celebration better known as Pride Month. The Pride Month is in relation to embracing the LGBTQ  Communities. According to the human rights campaign, Pride was inspired by the Stonewall riots in New York. 

Pride History

The stonewall riots took place on June 28, 1969 between the Gay Rights Activities and the police. This led to formation of the Pride movement in America that later spread to other countries around the globe.

What is LGBTQ stand for?

LGBTQ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer. The community comprises diverse gender and sexual orientations. 

The top 5 LBTQ Job Boards

There are various job portals specific for LGBTQ persons only. Some of them are given below.

Out in Tech Qorporate Job Board:

Out in Tech specialises in the tech industry. According to the website, the job site gives preference to LGBTQ members to help them grow their networks, advance their career, and leverage tech for social change. 

It has around 300 plus job postings as of now and that is to increase with time. It also has an impressive slack community.


This also is related to the tech industry and is a great platform for the lgbtq community. This community has 100000 plus LGBTQ members comprising women, trans and non binary techies. They also have a group of Human Resource personnels who identify themselves as Lesbians. 

According to its website SquadJobs connects employees to direct referrals at LGBTQ inclusive companies.  

Gaingels Job Board

This job board is one of the largest venture capital institutions at present. It employs LGBTQ employees and is a private venture capital investment syndicate. It is said to be one of the most active and inclusive venture capital job boards in the online world currently.

It boasts of 9000 plus jobs from 1500 companies and one can filter the jobs based on their skills.

LGBTQ Remotely

This website offers remote jobs to LGBTQ candidates so that they can work from the comfort of their homes. It generally is tech based jobs like data analysis, software engineering and design and data products.

Pink Jobs

Although not specifically written as LGBTQ preferred, the job site generally says it is an equal opportunities provider. Thus it can be said that this falls under the category. 

These were the top 5 job sites for LGBTQ members. For more such information do stay tuned to our website.

About Senior Reporter

With over more than 6 years of writing obituaries for the local paper, Senior Reporter has a uniquely strong voice that shines through in his newest collection of essays and articles, which explores the importance we place on the legacy.

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