Protection of human rights means a conscious society lies

protection of human rights means a conscious society lies

protection of human rights means a conscious society lies

The judiciary is the key to protecting constitutional guarantees for all people in the nation. It is a key that protects the democracy, and rights, of humans in a society.

According to the UN charter of 1945, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”

The protection of human rights is not a topic only for debate, not a genre where a man or people need to sit in front of the television telecast and state their opinion, it is the field where a group of people-society need to be united and demand ft. Work for it, only a conscious society can protect their human rights.

Human rights are the basic rights that give a safe environment to live life as a human being. The environment can only be generated by society and the role of society is important to protect human rights. If society will not wake, up or does not raise their voices for their right everywhere a kind of violation we will see. 

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Human rights have 5 main majors which are fully dependent on society.  A society should be responsible for one another, the world is a family as per the saying of “mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, and many other world leaders”. Only society can set accountability to protect their general rights. Transparency and Inclusiveness are the other factors by which human rights can be protected by society.

Society is the place where a person is born and dies, it is necessary to maintain the dignity and worth of human life. Because an aware society can bow a crucial government to its knee for human rights. Life, liberty, and security are the three basic needs that are counted as human rights.

When we talk about democracy, the thought automatically comes on to the UK, US, and India! The constitution is the key to government and society, so the role of society is important to protect human rights.

Recently Biswa Bhushan Harichandan, governor of Andhra Pradesh, repeated these words. That only society can protect human rights!

About WR News Writer

WR News Writer is an engineer turned professionally trained writer who has a strong voice in her writing. She speaks on issues of migrant workers, human rights, and more.

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