Remote jobs toss out 2 problems for us to solve – constant surveillance and isolation

remote jobs toss out 2 problems for us to solve constant surveillance and isolation

remote jobs toss out 2 problems for us to solve constant surveillance and isolation

The COVID pandemic made remote jobs the future, almost overnight. Offices started becoming obsolete and employees found more flexibility. The entire corporate sector seemed to celebrate this transition. Both employers and employees loved the shift in the beginning.

Remote jobs are alluring. They offer the promise of more flexibility and more productivity. But beneath this utopian vision lies a dark reality that is, already, affecting numerous employees’ mental health. People are looking for more engagement.

Remote jobs, at first glance, feel like a source of escape from the traditional office life. But experts believe they provide nothing but an illusion of freedom. Remote jobs make the line separating personal and professional life appear more and more hazy.

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Epidemic of isolation as meetings leave little room for organic discussions

Employees part of a remote job can quickly understand that such a setting can later feel invading. The kitchen table becomes a conference room and the couch sees you address last-minute deadlines and late-night emails.

There is also the epidemic of isolation being created by a group of remote jobs. The absence of real human connection can start to take its toll on everyone, even introverts. In remote jobs, there is hardly any possibility of face-to-face problem solving.

In the absence of the required interactions, employees are likely to start feeling the side effect of virtual meetings. Zoom fatigue is real. Moreover, conversations in online settings are rigidly limited to meeting agendas, leaving little room for organic discussions.

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