Republicans Say Parents Have No Right to Allow Their Children’s Gender Change

republicans say parents have no right to allow their children's gender change

republicans say parents have no right to allow their children’s gender change

On Thursday, a Republican colleague used her defense of parental rights to attack blue-state laws that limit parents’ ability to prevent their children from transitioning.

US House Republicans on a panel advocating for the limited federal government argued Thursday that parents should not be allowed to provide gender-affirming care to their transgender children.

Scanlon, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and limited government, started the hearing with a passionate argument against laws that restrict so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors. She said that the government has no place in a decision that should be made by the child, their parents, and their doctors.

Scanlon’s argument should also apply to blue-state gender “sanctuary laws,” such as the legislation signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom in September 2022, which allows children from other states to receive gender-affirming surgery and hormone therapy without their parent’s consent.

McClintock said that nature created the family as the most basic governing unit. He said parents have a natural right to raise their children as they see fit as long as no harm is done.

He asked Scanlon if she agreed that parents should decide on transgender procedures for their children.

Scanlon received a note from an aide after a few moments of silence. She reiterated that parents should control their children’s healthcare.

The Pennsylvania congresswoman repeated that parents have the final say on medical care for their children. She said she disagrees with Republicans over “appropriate” care.

McClintock agreed. That’s out. Both parties oppose the government making transition decisions against parents’ wishes. Do I get it?

Yes, Scanlon repeated.

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That’s awesome! McClintock said. 

Mr. Chairman, if both parties support a law banning transgender procedures on minors without parental consent, we should pass a bill immediately.

Scanlon then conceded, saying McClintock was “mischaracterizing” her parental rights argument.

A new California law prohibits state courts and lawyers from enforcing subpoenas from other states requiring healthcare providers to disclose when they perform transition-related procedures on minors. The gender-transition law gives California courts temporary emergency jurisdiction over any child who travels to the state for invasive medical interventions, effectively sidelining out-of-state parents.

Newsom signed California’s gender “sanctuary” law using Scanlon’s logic, arguing that parental freedom is important but only if it’s used to help kids transition.

Californians value equality and acceptance. Newsom said no one should be prosecuted or persecuted for receiving care, including gender-affirming care. 

Parents should be able to make health decisions without fear. Stand for parental choice.

Washington State passed a similar gender transition law this spring. The new law allows licensed shelters and host homes to notify the state Department of Children, Youth, and Families instead of parents within 72 hours of a child checking in. The law prohibits parents from intervening in “protected health care services” for children, including “gender-affirming care.”

A counselor testified against the bill, saying, It is obvious that this bill will result in the removal of trans-identified children from the family home.

Pamela Garfield-Jaeger told Daily Signal that in our dystopian nightmare, parents who don’t use their children’s pronouns or names are dangerous.

School policies in Democratic-dominated states often encourage teachers not to inform parents about their student’s gender transition.

About WR News Writer

WR News Writer is an engineer turned professionally trained writer who has a strong voice in her writing. She speaks on issues of migrant workers, human rights, and more.

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