Samsung Workers Continue Protests in Tamil Nadu as Labor Talks Hit Deadlock

samsung workers

Samsung Workers Continue Protests in Tamil Nadu as Labor Talks Hit Deadlock

Due to talk breakdowns at Samsung’s Chennai plant the Samsung India Workers Union keeps protesting while hoping to reach a deal with management about its suspended union members. On February 14, 2025 talks ended fruitlessly with Samsung employees so they increased their display of strength at Kancheepuram.

The conflict originated when Samsung suspended three union representatives against the protest claims SIWU made regarding unfair treatment during their handling process. Union leadership thinks the company must follow proper procedures before taking such measures. CITU Tamil Nadu General Secretary A.S. Soundararajan told the press that management refused to lift the suspensions so talks failed and protests must continue forever. 

According to Samsung information personnel are taking part in an illegal labor action despite normal production going forward. The company sued some staff members because they violated established work rules.

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Aamna is keen to write important news about politics, entertainment, business, etc., and to bring it to the public's attention.

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