Sexual violence in conflict should be recognised under the Convention against Torture

sexual violence in conflict should be recognised under the convention against torture

sexual violence in conflict should be recognised under the convention against torture

The UN Human Rights Council-appointed independent expert on torture has stressed that sexual violence during periods of conflict should be recognised under the Convention against Torture to ensure prosecution benefits from a robust legal foundation.

The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture discussed her latest report, calling for the recognition of sexual violence as torture in light of a surge in sexual torture across global conflicts. She know that that more than 120 armed conflicts are happening globally at the moment.

Sexual torture is one of the most appalling kinds of torture. It causes great harm to a person’s physical, psychological and socio-economic state. It is the responsibility of every government to fulfil their obligations to prohibit torture in all forms, both in times of peace and conflict.

The question of shame and stigma

If sexual violence is recognised under the Convention against Torture, no limitations could be applied on investigations, amnesties or immunities, eventually providing a stronger and more inclusive legal structure to prosecute such egregious crimes.

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But the female population in an area are not the only ones affected by sexual torture. In Ukraine, of that 300 cases that have been opened around sexual forms of torture committed by Russian perpetrators, 36% of those involve men as victims.

Oftentimes, victims don’t prefer to talk about the incident. The shame and stigma that attaches to people talking about their experience is often one of the key barriers to investigating this kind of crime. It is important for people to remember that there is no shame in torture.

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