Should You Return To Your Old Job? 6 Ways To Know

Last updated on September 21st, 2023 at 11:11 am

You’re a participant in the talent revolution (also known as the great resignation) if you’re like many other people: You left your old job in search of better opportunities. Like many others, you might not have discovered theThe new job may falllls short of the impression the recruiter gave you when they were looking to hire you. So the big decision is: Do you stay or do you leave? Should you work for your former employer again?

But in the new era, the working environment is changing, the workplace is changing, the 4-day work culture is on the rise, and the hybrid mode of remote work has been increasingly implemented.
Meanwhile, you would like to return to your old job.

If nothing went wrong and there aren’t many openings in the job market, you might be able to return to your previous company or job, but is that a good idea?

As you decide, keep in mind six crucial factors and four important questions before returning to your old job

First, be aware that you are among friends. According to a study by Monster, 41% of respondents had quit their jobs, and 72% of them regretted it. There is a lot of buyer’s regret. 61% of people said they would consider going back. According to a study by the Muse, 72% of respondents thought their new job was significantly different from what they’d been told—both about the job and the company.

Questions to Consider

Start with a few fundamental questions when deciding whether to go back, and then take crucial deciding factors into account.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

Did you leave to get away from something or go toward something? When switching jobs, it’s best to focus on something new and exciting—which is more future-focused and helps guide your choices. But if you left without a lot of discontent for your previous role, you might be well-suited to return. A return could be a great idea if the new job doesn’t measure up, and the previous job wasn’t a bad experience.

Do you know if the conditions at your previous organization have changed? Have they changed if you left because you were unhappy? Suppose you didn’t have flexible work options before, has that changed? Has there been a shift in leadership? Or if you weren’t inspired by the organization’s leadership, has there been a change of guard? Returning may be a great option if the issues that caused you angst before have changed.

As you reflect on your old job, think about the things you miss. Do you yearn for the culture of excellence or highly respectful co-workers? These could be indicative of valid reasons to go back. But if it’s something smaller like a more convenient commute or tastier cafeteria food, they may not be meaningful enough to justify a return. When making your decision, carefully assess what matters most to you and if the things you’re longing for are important enough.

Can you envision a promising future in your new role? It can take time to settle into a new job, so ensure that you give your new organization adequate space to do so. The colleagues that you are getting to know may quickly become good friends of yours. What you’re doing now could be the start of what is an outstanding career with the company. Consider if any dissatisfaction you feel is merely due to an adjustment period, or it’s a sign that this job is not quite suited for you. If the future looks optimistic, replete with possibilities and potential, it would arguably be wise to stick with your current role.

After careful consideration of relevant issues, consider the elements that are most important to your job satisfaction. Here Are 6 Ways You Think About It Before You Go Back To old Job

Keep Reading

1: The purpose

A sense of being a part of something bigger than yourself is one of the keys to happiness. The world will thank you if you are working to end world hunger or maintain peace, but it should be something where you feel you can make a special contribution to something that matters to you. Which position makes you feel as though your work is significant?

2. Leadership

Research consistently demonstrates that the leading factor in people leaving their jobs is their leader. In fact, according to the Monster survey, 28% of respondents would take up their previous position if their leader left the organisation. Think about which opportunity provides you with better leadership—between your direct leader and the senior leaders who are leading the organization—and whether they inspire you, provide coaching, and serve as role models for the values that are most important to you. Which position do you believe you are a better leader at?

3 – Colleagues

Because they have a best friend at work, one of the main reasons people stick with an organisation. Additionally, 75% of respondents to one study said they made friends at work. Think about where you fit in with your surroundings the best. Where do you feel the strength of a community and where do you feel the most nourished by others? Which organisation, in your opinion, offers you the best opportunity to form deep relationships with others?

4: Performance and Development

Consider whether your job is set up so you can perform at your best and whether you have everything you need to succeed—from great space and tools to clear processes—because performance is strongly correlated with happiness. A major source of happiness is reaching out for new opportunities, so you want to work for a company that will help you develop and realize your full potential. Aside from formal learning opportunities like classes or curriculum, think about whether your job is set up to allow you to pick up knowledge from colleagues in other departments or receive coaching while you’re in the trenches working with others. Where do you currently perform best, and where do you have the best opportunity to learn and develop professionally in the future?

5: Life Quality and Work Environment

Opportunities for flexible and hybrid work are abundant, and this is now more important than ever when making decisions. Consider which company offers you the best pay, benefits, and extras (72% of people in the Monster study said these things would motivate them to return). Consider the workplace, policies, and procedures, and whether the business has improved them as a sign of its dedication to the employee experience. And take into account whether you receive the freedom and empowerment that enable you to integrate work and life as you wish—while also making a meaningful contribution. Where can you work where life and work are respected and live your best life?

6: Culture

In the end, you want to have a sense of alignment with the values and principles that define a culture. In some cultures, you might be able to foster cultural development and help the organization grow. However, you must also feel compatible enough with the organization to have a solid foundation upon which to support its growth. Think about whether you understand one another’s metaphorical language, whether the company values your individuality, and whether you concur with “the way things get done around here.” Which organization do you feel most at home with, and where do you think you can contribute the most to its future?


Both the head and the heart will be needed to decide whether to stay or leave, to stick with your new job, or go back to your old job. Make lists, prioritize, and rate your options before taking a step back and letting your instinct take over. Apply your sharpest analytical abilities as well as your gut-based judgment.

The good news is that you have a tonne of options and alternatives, and the job market offers a wide range of possibilities. You might even decide that rather than remaining in your current situation or going back to what you had, you want to look for something new-new. When you’re ready to contribute your best work for today and the future, the world truly is your oyster.

About Freelance writer

As a passionate freelance writer, I delve into the intricacies of human rights, work-life balance, and labour rights to illuminate the often overlooked aspects of our societal fabric. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to social justice, I navigate the complexities of these crucial topics, aiming to foster awareness and inspire change.

Freelance writer

As a passionate freelance writer, I delve into the intricacies of human rights, work-life balance, and labour rights to illuminate the often overlooked aspects of our societal fabric. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to social justice, I navigate the complexities of these crucial topics, aiming to foster awareness and inspire change.

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