Categories: Embassies

Stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs – Chinese Embassy warns Australia

Chinese government is increasing its crackdown on Hong Kong with latest arrests of activists and lawmakers. Citing the Hong Kong affair as an internal matter, Chinese Embassy has called out the Morrison government to “stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs.”

The reaction came after Australian foreign minister Marise Payne criticized and raised alarm on latest Beijing’s actions against Hong Kong, calling its “disqualification of duly elected legislative council lawmakers seriously undermines Hong Kong’s democratic processes and institutions.”

On Thursday, four lawmakers were disqualified which prompted the entire pro-democracy caucus to resign in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China, and the qualification of HKSAR LegCo members is purely an internal affair of China. No other country has the right to make irresponsible remarks or intervene in the matter. We urge the Australian side to abide by international law and basic norms of international relations, and stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China’s internal affairs.

A Chinese Embassy spokesperson said

Hong Kong is undergoing a democratic turmoil after China imposed the controversial National Security Law, snatching the territory of its independence, and democracy.

About Neha M

Journey alongside Neha M, a dedicated advocate for workers' rights. Neha's storytelling transcends boundaries, unraveling the human narratives behind labor issues.

Neha M

Journey alongside Neha M, a dedicated advocate for workers' rights. Neha's storytelling transcends boundaries, unraveling the human narratives behind labor issues.

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