Sunday Scaries: 10 Simple Steps to Beat Sunday Evening Anxiety

Sunday Scaries: 10 Simple Steps to Beat Sunday Evening Anxiety

Sunday Scaries: 10 Simple Steps to Beat Sunday Evening Anxiety

Last updated on July 18th, 2024 at 06:25 am

Do you feel stressed or wound up on Sunday nights? It’s really pretty normal, a phenomenon people have come to name the “Sunday Scaries.” Here are 10 easy ways to feel better and get ready for the week ahead.

1. Plan something fun for Sunday

Make Sundays special. Do something that works for you, which may involve watching a movie, cooking up a nice meal, calling your friend back, or whatever helps you enjoy the day. Other than reducing Monday anxiety, this gives you something to look forward to.

2. Get Outside

Fresh air soothes one down. Take a minute walk or sit in the park. Even a few minutes might help lighten your mood.

3. Write Down Your Worries

Write about what is going on in your head. Writing down your worries may help to clear your head. Note down what causes you much concern. It could help you feel more in control.

4. Prepare for Monday

Sunday, A little time getting ready for Monday. Pack that bag. Advantage: Or maybe even try laying out your clothes— that can do wonders to calm Mindful Planning.

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5. Limit the time spent on screens

You may have become more anxious due to your long time on the phone or computer. You should at least turn off the devices an hour or so before going to bed.

6. Engage in Light Exercise

Exercise can help you feel better. You do not have to do an intense workout. A little stretch, yoga, or short walks may be most helpful.

7. Practice Relaxation

Practice simple relaxation techniques. Deep breathing, meditation, or soft music can get you relaxed.

8. Connect with Others

Talk with friends or family. If you have a pretty bad case of the blues, sometimes this can make you feel a little less alone. You could share your feelings or just shoot the breeze about more pleasant things to get off your mind about worries.

9. Set a Bedtime Routine

Good night’s rest makes all the difference. Do your best to be in bed at the same time every night and unwind before sleeping with some relaxing activities.

10. Think About Good Times Ahead

Think about the good times that will happen this week. You may be hitting upon some fun projects or catching up with a friend. These are things which are going to assimilate your concerns.

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