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Tag: civil war

Governments aim at citizens residing outside their home country

Governments aim at citizens residing outside their home country

Governments globally overstep boundaries, committing human rights abuses against citizens, aiming to silence or discourage dissenting voices.According to the most recent report, an upsetting design of governments was uncovered around the world turning to transnational

Ethiopia Becomes The New Ground For Human Rights Violations

Ethiopia Becomes The New Ground For Human Rights Violations

It became a huge violation of human rights as people and children were attacked in Ethiopia recently. Hundreds were under attack over ethnicity issues in Ethiopia’s western region of Benishangul-Gumuz. This has been the latest

Why Europe Needs A Centralised Asylum Policy

Why Europe Needs A Centralised Asylum Policy

Prolonged civil war conditions in many Middle eastern nations have forced an exodus of migrants towards European countries. Since 2015, European borders have been strained beyond capacity to handle the exasperated numbers of migrants wishing