farm workers

Europe Comes Down Heavy On Illegal Migrant Work In Farms And VineyardsEurope Comes Down Heavy On Illegal Migrant Work In Farms And Vineyards

Europe Comes Down Heavy On Illegal Migrant Work In Farms And Vineyards

Europe - The European Union police agency Europol has announced that along with law enforcement authorities, they are planning to…

October 14, 2021
Inquiry set to motion as Australian migrant workers face poor condition and low wages on the farmsInquiry set to motion as Australian migrant workers face poor condition and low wages on the farms

Inquiry set to motion as Australian migrant workers face poor condition and low wages on the farms

Australia - In the shocking revelation on conditions of migrant workers in Australia, it was revealed that the farm workers…

October 13, 2021
Peru suspends controversial agricultural lawPeru suspends controversial agricultural law

Peru suspends controversial agricultural law

Agricultural Law: Farmworkers in Peru have been protesting for weeks to demand higher salaries. Last week twenty-eight demonstrators and thirty-six…

January 4, 2021
Hundreds of farm workers from Trinidad and Tobago “trapped” in CanadaHundreds of farm workers from Trinidad and Tobago “trapped” in Canada

Hundreds of farm workers from Trinidad and Tobago “trapped” in Canada

Hundreds of migrant workers from Trinidad and Tobago are stuck in Haldimand and Norfolk, in Canada, and can't go back…

December 1, 2020
Canadian Farms Become Hotbed For Virus Spread Amongst Migrant WorkersCanadian Farms Become Hotbed For Virus Spread Amongst Migrant Workers

Canadian Farms Become Hotbed For Virus Spread Amongst Migrant Workers

A surge of migrant workers have been flocking various European countries to get back to work, at the risk of…

June 1, 2020