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Tag: Freedom of Speech

Egypt Releases Human Rights Document To Avoid Backlash From America

Egypt Releases Human Rights Document To Avoid Backlash From America

Egypt - Egypt has finally released a human rights strategy for the first time in decades in September under quite a lot of criticism. The country is known for having throttled free press and speech

Media and Human Rights Activists Singled Out In Pakistan

Media and Human Rights Activists Singled Out In Pakistan

Media staff is consistently being harassed and singled out by the Pakistani government for speaking out the truth. Women especially are feeling more harassed through social media attacks being made against them. The fourth estate

UN denounces Jordan’s decision to close the Teachers Syndicate Union and detain its officials

UN denounces Jordan’s decision to close the Teachers Syndicate Union and detain its officials

The U.N's human rights office denounced Jordan’s decision to close the Teachers Syndicate Union, which hit the union's freedom of voicing and its ability to work independently.  Police raided the Jordan Teachers Syndicate head office