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Tag: Human rights violation

Dangers of confinement and internet on children amidst Corona crisis

Dangers of confinement and internet on children amidst Corona crisis

Although children are less likely to be infected with coronavirus, they are most affected by the consequences of the epidemic in other aspects. The first risk of the spread of the virus is that millions

Anti-Asian racism surges in US amid Coronavirus fears

Anti-Asian racism surges in US amid Coronavirus fears

With the outbreak of Coronavirus pandemic across the world, incidents of racial discrimination against Asian-Americans in the United States have also witnessed a surge. There has been a significant increase in the number of incidents

Nigeria: Police Kills More Than the Corona Virus

Nigeria: Police Kills More Than the Corona Virus

Security forces in Nigeria killed 18 people on Thursday, during the imposed confinement, while the victims of Corona Virus did not exceed 12 people. The National Human Rights Organization of Nigeria noted that severe restrictions

International organizations condemn the Yemeni journalists execution

International organizations condemn the Yemeni journalists execution

Human Rights Radar organization in the Arab world said, that the use of the kidnapped journalists by the Houthi militia in maneuvering and political blackmail is one of the worst forms of repression of freedom

Syrian minor refugees’ tragedy in Greek borders

Syrian minor refugees’ tragedy in Greek borders

The refugees coming from Turkey to Greece crisis may amplify because of the risks of the new (COVID-19) spread, and their detention in harsh conditions, after the Greek authorities decided to deport dozens of minor

Syria: endless human rights violations

Syria: endless human rights violations

The Syrian Human Rights Network issued its special monthly report that monitors the human rights situation in Syria, in which it reviewed the outcome of the most prominent human rights violations by the actors of

Britain Supports Spyware Maker That Flaunts Human Rights

Britain Supports Spyware Maker That Flaunts Human Rights

In a surprising revelation, a British newspaper has revealed how British government has gone out of its way to help a controversial Israeli spyware company to market its surveillance technologies at a secretive trade fair