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How Chinese Internet Industry Is Mistreating Its Human Capital

How Chinese Internet Industry Is Mistreating Its Human Capital

Chinese Internet Industry: China’s tech industry is overworked. The recent sudden death of a 20 some young e-commerce giant Pinduoduo speaks for itself. There is gross violation of labour rights at play. Many employees are

Is Internet Lockdown Justified In India and Bangladesh?

Is Internet Lockdown Justified In India and Bangladesh?

According to the Human Rights Watch, India has imposed an Internet restriction on certain states of the country, which is gross violation of civilian human rights.  In an attempt to curb communal unrest that is

Which Country Should You Opt For Being A Happy Professional?

Which Country Should You Opt For Being A Happy Professional?

Work life is fast paced nowadays.  We can’t catch our breath before there is just one more new deadline to meet. So how do you make sure you can run the race, without running out