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Tag: Los Angeles

Immigration Crackdown Begins in Los Angeles Amid Nationwide Sweep

Immigration Crackdown Begins in Los Angeles Amid Nationwide Sweep

US immigration officials have begun another round of enforcement operations in the Los Angeles area. The activity follows similar operations in other cities, including Chicago and New York. Activists shared video footage of federal agents

More Texas Migrants Arrive in Los Angeles, Straining Resources

More Texas Migrants Arrive in Los Angeles, Straining Resources

Resources are running low for the busloads of immigrants that Texas Governor Greg Abbott is still transporting to Los Angeles. The most recent bus, which had 44 migrants on board, went from Brownsville, Texas, to

California Legislature finally enacts the Garment Worker Protection Act

California Legislature finally enacts the Garment Worker Protection Act

California, USA - The way into finding a solid rebound for the USA's garment sector is through good wages and stable work laws, and finally, the Garment Worker Protection Act passed by the California Legislature.