Ontario Workers

Ontario Ministry Of Labour Files Cases Against Farm Owners Exploiting Migrant WorkersOntario Ministry Of Labour Files Cases Against Farm Owners Exploiting Migrant Workers

Ontario Ministry Of Labour Files Cases Against Farm Owners Exploiting Migrant Workers

Ontario, Canada - Ontario’s Ministry of Labour (MOL) in Canada has filed charges against a Norfolk County farm in connection…

September 29, 2021
Canada: Over 200 Ontario workers have filed for work refusal fearing coronavirus, yet no reply from MOLCanada: Over 200 Ontario workers have filed for work refusal fearing coronavirus, yet no reply from MOL

Canada: Over 200 Ontario workers have filed for work refusal fearing coronavirus, yet no reply from MOL

Since the coronavirus outbreak, many workers have feared to catch the virus because of a lack of safety measures. More…

April 29, 2020