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Tag: remote working

Remote working is isolating and joyless. Yet still we refuse to go into the office

Remote working is isolating and joyless. Yet still we refuse to go into the office

Humans are social creatures. But what happens when they are deprived of social contact? We have been conducting an experiment for the last three years. At first, the experiment was forced on us, but when

Tips to reduce exhaustion from working remotely

Tips to reduce exhaustion from working remotely

Tips to reduce exhaustion: Professionals across the world have now adapted work from home model and in many cases a hybrid model. Though now in sync more or less, remote workplaces can leave anyone tired

Post-pandemic future of work-life balance

Post-pandemic future of work-life balance

People's perspectives about work-life balance have always been divided. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has reimagined the way we work blurring the line between work and life. Several questions are being raised about the changing dynamics

How to strike work-life balance in the ‘New Normal’

How to strike work-life balance in the ‘New Normal’

With offices moving to homes in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, work-life balance is witnessing unprecedented shifts in personal and professional lives in all sectors of society. These shifts are taking impacting the health

Negotiating permanent work from home arrangement with your boss

Negotiating permanent work from home arrangement with your boss

Coronavirus outbreak has brought lives to a standstill as governments across the world were forced to issue stay-at-home orders to their citizens to contain the spread of the virus. Amid the unprecedented circumstances, almost the

Working from Home – Rules for the Pandemic Edition

Working from Home – Rules for the Pandemic Edition

The COVID-19 pandemic has left more people working from home, trying to balance their work and home life. The employees are clueless on how to go about the targets and work expectations while trying to