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Tag: work from home

50% Dell Workers Choose Working from Home Over Getting Promoted

50% Dell Workers Choose Working from Home Over Getting Promoted

Dell, a big computer company, found out something interesting about its workers. Many of them like working from home so much that they don't want to go back to the office, even if it means

Working from home: How to be happier and content

Working from home: How to be happier and content

This pandemic has brought unprecedented times with millions of people having to work from home for the first time. Starting from make-shift offices on kitchen counter-tops to dining tables to couches, people have adjusted and

Looking for attaining a better work-life balance? These hacks can be life-saving!

Looking for attaining a better work-life balance? These hacks can be life-saving!

With a greater part of the year gone tackling the Covid-19 pandemic and majority of professionals working from home, many companies have now opted for the work from home option for their employees. At the

How constant demand for productivity hampers the work life balance?

How constant demand for productivity hampers the work life balance?

Many believe that staying back home is making them unproductive even though you have been working from home all this time. The coronavirus pandemic has surely disrupted our lifestyles but one thing it has not

The pandemic year and the lessons in mental health

The pandemic year and the lessons in mental health

2020, the year of pandemic and lockdown has brought unprecedented times that will be felt for generations to come – financially, physically and mentally. The mental health is one of the most neglected topics around

Moms are finding it tough to manage work-life balance amid Covid-19 crisis

Moms are finding it tough to manage work-life balance amid Covid-19 crisis

In the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, the new norm is working from home for parents and attending online classes for children. While facing these unprecedented times, everyone is feeling stress in some form or the other.

COVID-19 calls for shift in operational and leadership approach

COVID-19 calls for shift in operational and leadership approach

COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people work these days as many are struggling to maintain a balance between their professional and personal lives while working remotely from their homes. Noticeably, the unprecedented work-from-home culture

Work life balance and Covid-19 – A bitter sweet relationship

Work life balance and Covid-19 – A bitter sweet relationship

The global shift of working environment during Covid-19 pandemic has led to drastic need of adapting to remote work culture. As a ripple effect the employers and employees are understanding the real importance of striking

How to increase productivity? Doing less is the way to go during pandemic

How to increase productivity? Doing less is the way to go during pandemic

Gone are the days when we were taught to achieve more success, money, productivity, joy and peace we need to work harder and work more. Now the answer to all these is to do less

How to strike work-life balance in the ‘New Normal’

How to strike work-life balance in the ‘New Normal’

With offices moving to homes in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, work-life balance is witnessing unprecedented shifts in personal and professional lives in all sectors of society. These shifts are taking impacting the health