The Fight for Democracy and Human Rights in Georgia

Georgia's parliament desires to make a new law these days. This regulation is referred to as the "Transparency of Foreign Influence" law.

Georgia’s parliament desires to make a new law these days. This regulation is referred to as the “Transparency of Foreign Influence” law.

Georgia’s parliament desires to make a new law these days. This regulation is referred to as the “Transparency of Foreign Influence” law. Many humans in Georgia had been protesting towards this law for weeks. They assume this new regulation is horrific for democracy and human rights in the United States.

Why the Law is Concerning

The new law says that any non-government organization (NGO) or media outlet that gets more than 20% of its money from other countries must register as an “agent of foreign influence.” The Ministry of Justice can then investigate and watch over these groups, even asking for their data. Many people worry that this law will give the government too much control over independent groups and the media and that it could be used to punish those who disagree with the government.

The Importance of Independent Groups

Independent groups and media in Georgia play a very important role in building democracy, protecting human rights, and helping people in need. Many Georgian NGOs provide vital services like shelters for victims of violence or treatment for people with addictions. If this new law is passed, it will make it much harder for these groups to do their important work.

Protests and Violence

Georgia humans do not agree with this law. However, the authorities have been the use of violence and bullying towards individuals who no longer like this regulation. We want the government of Georgia to guard the rights of all and people within the US. We additionally want them to look at and prevent those violent acts.

About Right Sider

AvatarRight sider is a passionate writer who has traveled extensively around the world, learning about the history of all the regions and walking the paths of his characters.

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