Top 10 Corporate Jargon to Survive Office Meetings

corporate jargon

Top Corporate Jargon to Survive Office Meetings

Have you ever come out of any office meeting feeling more confused than educated or informed? If that’s the case, You are not my friend. The corporate world prospers on a very unique vocabulary, ducked with Jargon that can leave the newbies and even the veterans wondering about it. But don’t worry, Corporate Warriors, we got your back! Here we are going to tell you about the 10 of the most common office jargon you will encounter in your corporate meetings, turning you into a Pro from a Newbie in no time.

 Actionable Item:

Don’t tell us you misinterpret this word with your grocery list? You got it all wrong my friend, Actionable items are specific tasks or the next step that emerges from a discussion. They usually come with a deadline and a designated person assigned to complete them. You can think of them as takeaways that can actually turn any discussion into action.

Ballpark Figure:

No it is not related to any ball game! In corporate slang, the ballpark figure is an estimated number, not a definite one. It is a way to give a rough idea of something like project costs or sales figures without floundering in specifics.


We promise it has nothing to do with the internet speed! In office meetings bandwidth refers to an individual or team’s capability or availability to take on additional work. If someone says “you have limited bandwidth”, it means you are already piled up with too much work and might not be able to accept a new project right away.

Circle Back:

This is not about any of your circles! Circling back simply means to revisit or review the topic later. It is a way to confirm that something needs further discussion but to table it for now.

Low- Hanging Fruit:

No farming and orchards involved! Low- hanging fruit refers to easy tasks that can be attained quickly with cursory efforts. Think of them as quick wins that can provide momentum in any project.

Move the Needle:

This isn’t about tailoring for sure! Moving the needle means making an impressive positive impact on a project or goal. Imagine a dial and gauge- moving the needle means the indicator visibly improves.

On the Same Page:

No telepathy! Being on the same page simply means everyone in the meeting has the same understanding, opinions and say for the topic, project or decision. It’s a way to make sure that everyone is aligned before moving forward.


No magical force field here! Synergy refers to the integrated effect of two or more things that’s greater than the sum of their individual parts. Imagine two gears working together- Synergy means they create a seamless, more efficient operation.

 Think Outside the Box:

No packaging boxes were harmed! This one empowers creative problem solving. It means to approach a challenge from a new and heretical viewpoint, not limit yourself with just traditional methods.

Touch Base:

No physical contact required! Touching base simply means checking in with an individual or team to share updates, answer questions or discuss progress. It is a way to maintain basic communication and make sure everyone is on track.

Bonus Tip:

While understanding the importance of jargon, don’t be afraid to ask for illumination! If something confuses you, simply say “ Can you please elaborate on what you mean by..? Most of your colleagues will appreciate and embrace your willingness to learn and understand and will happily explain the concept in an easier way.

Understanding corporate jargon is a valuable skill for piloting office meetings. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you will be gearing up on the way to participate confidently and contribute effectively. Remember, clear communication and dedication is key to success in any workplace.

Stay tuned for more such interesting corporate and office updates from our “Corporate Series.”

About Daniel Lee

Daniel is part of the Work-Life Balance desk at The Workers Rights. His curious mind and vibrant personality help him add a touch of uniqueness to his articles. He has a considerable experience in helping readers find better ways of managing work and personal life.

Daniel also remains a budding content creator on social media, captivating netizens through her visual storytelling. He casually goes through multiple updates on the topic every day, in order to provide the audience the best ways to meet both professional and personal commitments.

The journalist has graduated from the Aarhus University in Denmark. He has been a member of The Workers Rights' dedicated team for almost a year, trying to bring something new to the table every day. Her reports are a treat for the curious minds.

Contact @[email protected]

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