Turkey : 4.89 Million Migrants Are There

turkey 4.89 million migrants are there

turkey 4.89 million migrants are there

The Presidency of Migration Management, which is part of the Ministry of the Interior, has said that there are 4.89 million migrants in Turkey.

The ministry wants to get rid of “baseless comments and figures” that are going around on social media. In a statement posted on the official Twitter account for the presidency, the ministry said it was determined to stop illegal migration.

In order to deal with the problem of overcrowding caused by migration, 1,169 neighbourhoods across the country have been closed to new foreign registrations. This is especially true in areas where the ratio of foreigners to Turkish citizens is higher than 20%. Currently, 54 neighborhood in Istanbul are closed, according to the statement.

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It also said that every week, information about foreign issues is posted on the website of the bureau.

After Ali Yerlikaya, the minister of the interior, said that evening inspections would start in Istanbul, these things have happened. The minister said that efforts to find illegal immigrants and stop them would be stepped up, not just in Istanbul but in all 81 provinces.

Also, 20 people from other countries were caught in Istanbul during a recent operation to stop human trafficking. These people are accused of smuggling migrants, taking them to border provinces, and giving them a place to stay. They are being sent back to their home country from a center in the district of Tuzla.

About Wrighter

Wrighter covers news across the global on Human Rights, Migrants Rights, and Labor Rights. Wrighter has vast experience in writing and is a doctor by profession.

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