UK: Labour government’s early prison release scheme turns even more controversial

uk labour government’s early prison release scheme turns even more controversial

uk labour government’s early prison release scheme turns even more controversial

In July 2024, the UK’s Labour government planned to enlarge the early release of prisoners to resolve the overcrowding crisis in the prison. Because the database released by the World Prison Brief said that Britain has the highest rate of imprisonment. The failure of the new building programme of prison also forced the UK government to find a solution for this crisis. The other reasons are housing in a prison where two prisoners reside which is actually meant only for one person, the cases are delayed to circumvent the new arrival of prisoners. After a huge deliberation, the higher officials opted to include electronic tags for the offenders when they get released early, and give people suspended sentences. 

The release scheme was approved by the parliament and it granted the eligibility of releasing most prisoners which is 50% that is around 5000 prisoners. It is applicable to those prisoners who have completed their sentences 40%. The offenders can be imprisoned only if they commit any crime again. Justice Minister Shabana Mahmood said that this release scheme will be reviewed in 18 months. The Labour government criticised the former Conservative government led by who underfunded many sectors which also includes public services. It is reflected in the overcrowding of prisons without proper maintenance said the Labour government.

“We have always been clear that prisoner release should only be as an absolute last resort, and that the government should exhaust all other options before committing to this course of action – and should ensure adequate safeguards are in place to protect the public,” said a Conservative Spokesperson.

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Mahmood quoted that since 2023 October over 10,000 prisoners have been released based on the emergency scheme. She believed that this early release scheme would aid the crisis of overcrowding in the prison. The eligible prisoners for this early release are those who are sentenced to prison below four years. The offenders who are convicted for the crimes including terrorism, sex, domestic abuse, and other serious offences. The UK Labour government also planned to expand the capacity of the prison which can hold up to 9000 spaces. 

A serious outbreak of resistance waves arose after mistakenly releasing a total of 37 prisoners who were sentenced under the harassment law. Already, 1700 prisoners were released on September 10 under this early release scheme. The Ministry of Justice refused that the 37 prisoners were not identified as serious offenders which means they are eligible to this scheme. But some of the prisoners who were released mistakenly are taken back to the jail, only few are left.

“Public safety is our first priority. That is why we took decisive action to fix the broken prison system we inherited and keep the most dangerous offenders locked up. This included blocking the early release of domestic abuse offences such as stalking and controlling.

We are working with the police to urgently return a very small number of offenders – who were charged incorrectly and sentenced under repealed legislation – to custody. The convictions remain valid with offenders monitored since their release and will soon be back behind bars.” said, The Ministry Of Justice. 

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