UN Security Council extends the sanctions regime on Haiti for one year

un security council extends the sanctions regime on haiti for one year

un security council extends the sanctions regime on haiti for one year

On Friday, the United Nations Security Council decided to extend for 1 year the sanctions regime in Haiti, including a targeted assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo measures. It is aimed at effectively addressing the brutal crimes raging in the Caribbean island nation.

The 15-member Council determined that the situation in Haiti constitutes a threat to regional peace and security. The decision emphasises the continuation of sanctions measures to prevent the supply of arms to gangs operating in the country.

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For several years, Haiti has been mired in a tough humanitarian crisis, driven primarily by rampant violence by armed criminal gangs. The situation is being further exacerbated by severe natural disasters and a challenging economic crisis.

Multinational Security Support mission to Haiti

The gang violence in Haiti has compelled thousands of people to leave their homes and find shelter in some place appearing safe at the moment. There are deeply concerning reports of sexual violence, kidnappings and executions.

In Friday’s decision, there are exemptions for supplies supporting UN or UN-authorised missions and Haitian security forces, and for supplies of non-lethal military equipment intended for humanitarian or protective use and related technical assistance or training.

The UNSC has authorised the deployment of a Multinational Security Support mission to Haiti to help its national police force address the surging gang violence. Led by Kenya, the MSS mission is expected to expand to around 2,500 police officers on the ground.

About Wrighter

Wrighter covers news across the global on Human Rights, Migrants Rights, and Labor Rights. Wrighter has vast experience in writing and is a doctor by profession.

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