Understanding Stresslaxing: When Relaxing Makes You More Stressed
Stresslaxing is an entertaining term for what essentially is a very serious issue. This is when the action you take to calm you down likely leads to stress. Suppose you are very much concerned with all the activities you are supposed to undertake to the extent that even when you are trying to relax your mind will be alert towards your list of activities. That’s stresslaxing.
Why Does This Happen?
There are instances when we tend to deny that we are stressed. We may say to ourselves ‘I shouldn’t be this anxious over this/ I can handle it.’ However, when one puts down their worries, all the accumulated anxious feelings flood the person.
We Push Ourselves Too Hard
This present generation does not feel that one has to rest and that one must always be either working or occupied. Whenever they attempt to take a break, they feel as if they should be doing something constructive, thus turning even leisure into a stressful endeavour.
There are frequent proclamations that we should work and be successful, but also be healthy and rest. This can be rather misleading and make a person feel like it is impossible to make the right decision, whatever is chosen is wrong.
Whereas in the past people had limited options to choose from, today, customers are flooded with choice options.
It is often equally overwhelming to attempt to choose how one would like to unwind. What is better – to take a bath, to read a book, or for a walk? This way, instead of starting your relaxation, your head will be filled with options and you will get easily exhausted.
Stresslaxing may delay your sleep, give you a beating heart, make you perspire or feel low. If it occurs frequently, the individual may become extremely fatigued and drained frequently.
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How to Stop Stresslaxing
Accept That You’re Stressed
The first way is just to say to oneself, ‘I am stressed’. Indeed, such thoughts are allowed and customary to experience at such a tender age. Relating your worries on paper helps bring important clarity to the particular issue.
Be Kinder to Yourself
While planning your schedule, do not forget that there is simply no place for non-stop business and work. Taking breaks is perfectly normal, and makes no one a bad person. Sleeping is good for your well-being and can enable you to perform better once you are back at work.
One has to understand that even if everyone else is working, he or she has to also take care of himself or herself. It is equally important to know when to refuse and make some time for what you enjoy and that makes you at peace.
Make Relaxing Easier
Be proactive when it comes to the means through which you will relax; schedule for it. Thus, when it is time to sit back and unwind a lot of decisions have already been made. Moreover, you can just follow your plan and begin to relax immediately.
Remember, everyone relaxes differently. There are good movies that cook or garden, others that run or play games or some other activity. Experiment to discover what soothes the emotions of anxiety and anger.
Learning from Stresslaxing
Even though stresslaxing isn’t fun, it can teach us many things that we need to know about ourselves. It can describe what causes concern and help us evade the worst how-tos of stress.
Stress has become a part of most people’s lives due to the fast-paced world that most individuals find themselves in today. However, by learning why it occurs and by having a trial of the above-mentioned tips, then certainly, it is possible to achieve a real sense of relaxation and feel better. So, it is self-evident that it is good to take a break not only because it is nice to have but also because it is essential for a healthy and happy life.