Last updated on September 21st, 2023 at 11:09 am
Work life is fast paced nowadays. We can’t catch our breath before there is just one more new deadline to meet. So how do you make sure you can run the race, without running out of steam?
A perfect work life balance is what the world is now running after. Companies are encouraging work from home or remote setups for the ease of the employee. Virtual space and co-working spaces is also a popular way of getting the job done without worrying of being in a 9-5 rigor.
With work becoming more doable through remote locations and everything available on Internet, it is possible to work remotely and not be caught in a mundane work cycle. So, it is possible to work from a beach, sit under the shade of a tree and sip a cup of coffee, as long as you ensure you meet a deadline. You work in the day or the night has become irrelevant.
Wireless security developer Kisi has recently come out of a list of countries it has listed that provide the best work-life balance. They have taken parameters like holiday days available (and taken), commuting time, legislative support, gender equality, air pollution and access to healthcare, among many others.
The idea is to work smarter and not just hard. This has been made possible by technology that not only increases our efficiency but makes life easy for us as well. Today, some of the most overworked cities are in South East Asian. The survey has rounded them to cities like Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Singapore.
In comparison to that, in Europe in cities like Oslo, Milan and Stockholm just one in every 25 people work more than 48 hours per week. In the list of the top 10 cities which present the best work life balance ratios, each one of them is situated in Europe. If one goes to the top 20ones, Canada features in the list. The most livable and likable city is Helsinki in Finland. It scored an incredibly high 99.4 (out of 100) making it to the top spot as the most livable city and an equally low 46.7 for work intensity earning it the top spot on the list for work-life balance. Three cities in Germany make it in the top 5 spots.