Work life balance

The people who hate working from home

Global - Eternal drowsiness, lack of motivation, lack of the right environment, and much more that worries people who don't…

August 30, 2022

Does working hard now bring work-life balance later?

Global - In the Boomer generation, it is accepted that you have to work hard and hard if you want…

August 29, 2022

Top 10 Good excuses to get out of work 2022

Global - Let's face it, even the best of us have days when going to work is simply not an…

August 29, 2022

How ‘heightism’ affects careers

Global - Increasingly, society began to shout with one voice about various discriminations and point out that it is wrong…

August 27, 2022

How boomeranging back to your old company can get you the biggest pay raise

Global - The workers are getting the biggest pay raises and promotions by going back to their previous companies. Between…

August 27, 2022

Is workplace stigma around mental health struggles changing?

Global - The deadly virus and the economic upheaval resulting in the loss of jobs and income have all been…

August 26, 2022

How your company can help you pay for starting a family

Global - Having children is a big step in life. Besides having children is a big responsibility, it can also…

August 25, 2022

Is bullying at remote work a myth or truth?

Global - Of course, bullying has long been a problem in the workplace and covers a wide range of behaviors…

August 23, 2022

How to become a freelance teacher

Global - The modern world is pushing us towards hybrid or completely remote work. Many professionals have already preferred the…

August 22, 2022

The most in-demand tech jobs

Global - IT sphere is one of the most demanded all over the world. In addition to the fact that…

August 20, 2022

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