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Category: Work life balance

Work life balance & mental health: How to strike a balance

Work life balance & mental health: How to strike a balance

The past year has been a whirlwind for everyone across the world due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Though now we have hope rendered by Covid-19 vaccine rollout, we must acknowledge that we are still in

Is work-life balance an end game? It’s rather a journey and a constant cycle!

Is work-life balance an end game? It’s rather a journey and a constant cycle!

It is a well-known fact now that work-life balance is an extremely important part of one’s professional and personal lives for a better quality of life. Despite that a major part of professionals around the

Parents struggle to achieve work-life balance amid COVID-19

Parents struggle to achieve work-life balance amid COVID-19

Parents are finding it difficult to achieve work-life-parenting balance amid the COVID-19 pandemic Between working, running household errands and parenting, the Coronavirus pandemic has significantly altered the lives of millions of people across the world.

Tips to reduce exhaustion from working remotely

Tips to reduce exhaustion from working remotely

Tips to reduce exhaustion: Professionals across the world have now adapted work from home model and in many cases a hybrid model. Though now in sync more or less, remote workplaces can leave anyone tired

Work life balance & well being of employees are forefront priorities for workplaces

Work life balance & well being of employees are forefront priorities for workplaces

Work life balance: Year 2021 is bringing in new hopes for employees and professionals as they project optimism over chances of better career prospects and opportunities. Some also project chances of pay hike on the

A toxic work-life balance reflects in relations with peers

A toxic work-life balance reflects in relations with peers

Toxic Work-Life Balance: Today’s professional world is getting increasingly competitive. This is specially predominant as social media is playing a unique and crucial role in professional portfolios. LinkedIn and Twitter are now the informal resumes

Resolutions for better Work life balance in incoming year 2021

Resolutions for better Work life balance in incoming year 2021

The current 2020 year has put forth unprecedented circumstances to all at personal as well as professional levels. This has also made us all realize a plethora of things that required changes, and that must

How to tackle Procrastination – biggest enemy of productivity and work life balance

How to tackle Procrastination – biggest enemy of productivity and work life balance

When we talk about work life balance, the first topic worth discussion and mention is always productivity. For any balance and related schedule to work out effectively, desired productivity must be achieved. But more often,

Want to achieve a Work life balance? Let’s understand its components first!

Want to achieve a Work life balance? Let’s understand its components first!

Work life balance has become the most discussed aspect of one’s life, especially during current unprecedented pandemic situation as all professionals are at home working and trying to strike a balance between work and personal

Limit your space with your boss, co-worker during Covid-19

Limit your space with your boss, co-worker during Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic has made it even more difficult the already difficult task of striking the perfect work life balance but what is even more disturbing is the drifting focus of an individual towards catering