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Category: Work life balance

Negotiating permanent work from home arrangement with your boss

Negotiating permanent work from home arrangement with your boss

Coronavirus outbreak has brought lives to a standstill as governments across the world were forced to issue stay-at-home orders to their citizens to contain the spread of the virus. Amid the unprecedented circumstances, almost the

Work From Home Strategy Leads To More Productive Happy Employees

Work From Home Strategy Leads To More Productive Happy Employees

There are mixed opinions about work life balance and maintaining amidst pandemic induced lockdown and a resulting sense of unrest about dipping economies worldwide. According to Eden McCallum, a UK based consulting firm, productivity has

Teamwork crucial to sustaining work-life equilibrium

Teamwork crucial to sustaining work-life equilibrium

The Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the state of equilibrium between people's professional and personal life, in other words, work-life balance, across all sectors. However, it is never too late to ensure stability between work and

Women balancing their work and life during COVID-19 pandemic

Women balancing their work and life during COVID-19 pandemic

 The changing dynamics of corporate world now allow and accept more women in active profiles, juggling their work and personal life. No doubt that this trend must remain in existence and evolve in positive direction.

Avoid Burnout When In Lockdown

Avoid Burnout When In Lockdown

The pandemic induced lockdown has brought both challenges and opportunities to improvise and innovate. But the one thing which is troubling working professionals and others in the times of lockdowns is a possible burnout. If

Working from Home – Rules for the Pandemic Edition

Working from Home – Rules for the Pandemic Edition

The COVID-19 pandemic has left more people working from home, trying to balance their work and home life. The employees are clueless on how to go about the targets and work expectations while trying to

How to deal with Digital Overdrive – A real time problem amid lockdown

How to deal with Digital Overdrive – A real time problem amid lockdown

With over two months of being under lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic, we all are stuck at home. Children are attending online school and haven’t seen the playground, and adults are juggling their home and

Coronavirus: Struggles of maintaining work life balance amid new topsy-turvy normal

Coronavirus: Struggles of maintaining work life balance amid new topsy-turvy normal

The trying times of coronavirus has turned our lives upside-down. With the lockdown imposed in most of the nations across the world to curb the spread of coronavirus pandemic, work from home has emerged as

How To Manage Blurred Work Hours In Pandemic Times

How To Manage Blurred Work Hours In Pandemic Times

When you are constantly working from home in a lockdown scenario, there can be a natural and unconscious blurring of the time given to family versus time spent on work.  You become a slave to

How Parents Can Keep Their Sanity While Working from Home

How Parents Can Keep Their Sanity While Working from Home

We are living in unprecedented times of staying at home amid the Coronavirus lockdown following the social distancing protocol. Schools closed, daycares shut down, offices operating from homes and public places barred. While the parents