Work-Life Hacks: Start Prioritising Your Work-Life Balance

In lots of places, people think it’s good to work a lot, like something one should be proud of. If one leaves early from their work, people start to think that the person is lazy. But your family might tell you to take some break, to relax and stick to set work hours. They want you to have a good balance between work and the rest of your life. You might have made excuses like “ I need to work more to get promoted” or “My Boss will notice if I work longer hours”.

Working too much not only deteriorates your health, it also makes you less productive. You feel exhausted all the time and don’t feel excited about starting work the next day.

In a research study, it was found that in 2016, about 7,45000 people died because of working too much and the reason came out of heart strokes and heart diseases. This number increased by 30% since 2000. Marie Neira from the World Health Organization says that working more than 55 hours a week can affect your health.

Nowadays, It is observed that employees started caring most about keeping their jobs secure with a major focus on making their bosses happy. So, they are working longer hours to achieve this. The usual 9 to 6  workday turned into working all the time. They felt they had to focus mainly on work and work longer hours instead of balancing work with their personal lives.

People might think that working more is the key to moving up in your job. You might think that since you are earning more that simply means you have to work hard. But it is very essential to balance your work and personal life at the same time. Remember to enjoy life while still reaching your goals at work. Stay focused on what you want to achieve, but don’t forget to give time to yourself as well. 

Here are some simple tips for balancing work and life:

1)Start your day with meditation:

When you wake up early for work, take 10-15 minutes to meditate before leaving. Meditation helps you feel happier, relaxed, and less mentally stressed.

2)Plan your routine:

The first step is to plan your day and decide what tasks are more important. Planning helps you organize work and will enhance your skills. When you are more productive, you feel less stressed, which is good for your health.

3)Keep yourself Hydrated:

Make sure you drink plenty of liquids. Your body needs enough fluids to work well. Fluids keep your body running smoothly and help your brain stay alert.

4)Manage your sleep hours:

Take control of your sleep routine. Getting enough sleep is very important. Good sleep keeps you energetic and focused all day.

5)Giving yourself time:

Taking care of yourself means giving yourself a break from everything like catching up with friends, doing some stretching, and listening to music to feel better. By doing this, You will be able to manage your work and personal life.

About Right Sider

Right sider is a passionate writer who has traveled extensively around the world, learning about the history of all the regions and walking the paths of his characters.

Right Sider

Right sider is a passionate writer who has traveled extensively around the world, learning about the history of all the regions and walking the paths of his characters.

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