Workers affected by mass layoffs have become prime targets of employment scams in the US

workers affected by mass layoffs have become prime targets of employment scams in the us

workers affected by mass layoffs have become prime targets of employment scams in the us

Since the day of the Pandemic market is facing new down and bad market chains with each sunrise we are seeing news of layoffs from gaint and from the startups too. A large number of employees have been impacted by these cutoffs. These workers have come back from layoffs, but most of the laid-off workers have become the target of employment scams, says a new report.

Wall Street Journal’s report stated that many employees were trapped in employment scams in the race of head cuts by the company.

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Most of the scams were held in name of job listings, interviews, and with the full process. Through this scammers were able to steal money or even the identity of job seekers. After the big cutoff in November 2022, the market of fake jobs and scams spread all over the world. Virtual hiring and remote work have made it easy for scammers, according to data released by the Federal Trade Commission US. Between 2019 and 2021, 104,000 jobs were listed and this remains till 2022 but at the same time in the US, people lost $200 or more in job scams.

Gustavo Miller, a digital marketing specialist enlightened this scam tragedy through a post on LinkedIn.

So, though we are getting used to this remote culture this report indicates us to be aware because this culture is also providing an easy way for scammers!

Stay alert, and save yourself from the scam.  

About WR News Writer

WR News Writer is an engineer turned professionally trained writer who has a strong voice in her writing. She speaks on issues of migrant workers, human rights, and more.

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