Your Guide To 10 Basic Employee Rights

Your Guide To Basic Employee Rights

Your Guide To Basic Employee Rights

In every company, employees play an important role and are an integral part of any organization. Employees dedicate most of their time to their workspace and try their best to be productive for their company. When employees do so much for their organization, the organization should also provide their employees with basic rights for their safety and betterment. Employee rights are the rights that are given to the employees for an equitable and better workplace. We are here with 10 basic rights that every company should provide to their employees.

10 Basic Employee Rights

Right to Fair Income

Employees work in any company to get paid for their hard work thus every employee should be given a salary according to the work done and as per minimum wage laws. 

Right to Safety

Companies should provide a safe and secure workplace to every employee. Companies should take care of the safety standards of their employees. It is the responsibility of the company to provide a hazard-free work environment to the employees.

Right to Righteous Treatment

This is one of the most crucial employee rights. This right protects the employees from any kind of bullying or harassment from their colleagues, seniors, or managers.

Right to Privacy

Protecting the privacy of the employees is important. This right should be given to the employees so that they can protect their stuff in the workplace and keep their personal information private.

Right to equal opportunities

Every employee should be given equal opportunity to present themselves in the workplace. No discrimination should be done among employees based on caste, religion, sex, or race.

Right to Fair Termination

This right is very important. Employees have a full right to know why they are being terminated, and also they can question the decision if it is not fair. 

Right to Unionise

This right is for the employees to join or start a labor union to improve their working conditions, their pay, and other benefits. They can negotiate for their rights which are not provided with.

Right to Work-Life Balance

The right to Work-Life Balance is a fundamental right of Employees to get a fair schedule and breaks as per the rules of an organization or company. They should also receive proper assistance if they need time off due to some personal issues or health. 

Right to Leave and Benefits

Right to Leave and Benefits means employees can take time off if they are sick, on Paternity leave, or on vacation. They also receive health benefits provided by their employer or mandated by law. 

Right to Whistleblower

Right to Whistleblower means employees have full right to disclose the authority’s malpractices, illegal activities, or improper conduct without getting in any kind of trouble due to this.

Employee Rights are very crucial for every company and its employees as they safeguard their well- being, dignity and ensure a better work environment.

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