Your Resume: The Key to Getting Hired

Guide to build resume

How to write the perfect resume

When looking for a new job, your resume is super important. It’s often the first thing employers see from you, so it needs to make a great first impression. A well-written resume can mean the difference between getting an interview or getting overlooked.

Follow these simple steps to create a stellar resume that will grab a hiring manager’s attention and showcase your skills.

Start With a Header

At the very top, include a header section with your full name in a larger font than the rest of the resume. Also list your phone number, email address, and optionally your home address. This makes it easy for employers to contact you.

Write a Summary

Below the header, include a brief 2-3 line summary about yourself. Think of it as your commercial that quickly outlines your top abilities, experience, and career goals. It gives the employer a quick glimpse into what makes you a good fit.

Step by step guide to build a resume

Describe Your Experience

The work experience section makes up the biggest part of most resumes. List out all the jobs you’ve had in reverse order, starting with your current or most recent role. For each job, name the company, your job title, the start and end dates, and 3-4 bullet points describing your daily responsibilities, skills used, and major accomplishments.

Try to use numbers and facts to quantify achievements when possible. For example, “Boosted sales by 25% through effective marketing campaigns.”

Talk About Education

Next up is the education part. List the names of the schools you attended, the degrees you earned, years you graduated, and optionally your GPA if it was very high. You can also mention any relevant coursework, honors or academic achievements.

List Your Skills

Employers want to quickly see what skills you have that relate to the job. Create a skills section that clearly lists out any technical abilities, software proficiency, languages spoken, and other relevant expertise you have.

Consider Adding Extras  

Depending on your background, you may want to add extra sections like volunteer work, publications, professional certifications or memberships. But only include these if they are applicable and make you look better qualified.

Guide to build resume

Format Clearly

Use clear section headings, consistent font styling, bulleted lists, and plenty of white space. This makes your resume clean and easy to scan. Stick to common fonts like Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri that are easy to read.

Double Check Everything  

Before sending out your resume, thoroughly proofread to catch any spelling, grammar or formatting errors. Small mistakes can make you look sloppy or careless. Consider having a friend take a look too for a fresh set of eyes.

Customize Each Time

Finally, slightly customize your resume for each job you apply to by tweaking the summary and highlighting different skills and experiences based on what is most relevant. Taking this extra step shows you’re a great fit.

By following these easy tips, you’ll craft an awesome resume that clearly demonstrates your qualifications. Taking the time to create a concise and polished career marketing document will put you ahead of the competition and get you closer to landing your dream job.

Keep an eye out for more such interesting updates from our ‘Corporate Series’

About Daniel Lee

Daniel is part of the Work-Life Balance desk at The Workers Rights. His curious mind and vibrant personality help him add a touch of uniqueness to his articles. He has a considerable experience in helping readers find better ways of managing work and personal life.

Daniel also remains a budding content creator on social media, captivating netizens through her visual storytelling. He casually goes through multiple updates on the topic every day, in order to provide the audience the best ways to meet both professional and personal commitments.

The journalist has graduated from the Aarhus University in Denmark. He has been a member of The Workers Rights' dedicated team for almost a year, trying to bring something new to the table every day. Her reports are a treat for the curious minds.

Contact @[email protected]

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